Version: 3.0.0


⚠️ Properties without Default Value are required!

Common Properties

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
namestringempty stringName of the Node
localPositionvec3[ 0, 0, 0 ]Local position of this Node
localRotationquat[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]Local rotation of this Node
localScalevec3Local scale of this Node
localTransformmat4Local transform of this Node
visiblebooleantrueVisibility state of the Node
parentedBoneNamestringWhen parented to a parents bone with parentedBoneName property
skipRaycastbooleanSkip raycast state of the Node
triggerablebooleanWhether this node should handle trigger presses directly
visibilityInheritedbooleanFlags that the visibility state of this node should be inherited by its children. This does not change a child's visibility. A visibility of false will take precedence over a visibility of true.
anchorPositionvec3Sets the anchor position of the Node's transform. Rotations, scaling, and translations of the transform will take place around this point. Changing the anchor point will recalculate the transform to the new anchor point.
cursorHoverStatestringSets the cursor hover state for this Node. Setting this will set the cursor state when this Node or any descendant Nodes, that are not explicitly set, are hovered over.
offsetvec3An optional offset to position the Node within the parent Node (default is [0,0,0]).

Common Properties for UI elements

alignmentstringSets the UI Nodes's self alignment relative to Node position. Alignment is defined as what side the Node position is in relative to the planar, XY element bounds. A horizontal left alignment would result in the node position being on the left side of the bounds area. A vertical top alignment would result in the node position being on the top side of the bounds area.
enabledbooleanSets the enabled state. Disabled UI Nodes don't send out certain input events, such as OnPress, OnRelease, OnActivate, etc.